This section describes how to format and program new locks in iLOQ Manager.
When a new lock cylinder is delivered from the factory, it is in the factory state. Before it can be programmed, it must first be formatted. After this procedure, the lock cylinder can be managed in the deployed locking system only.
The Adding formatting task to a master token wizard is opened.
Select Add formatting task.
Select the token where you want to add the formatting task.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
Type in the locking system master password.
Select OK.
The formatting task is added on the token.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Close.
Select Basic data > Browse locks.
Select the locks to be programmed.
The selected lock must be in the Ordered or Transferred to programming state. If the lock is in the In planning state, order the lock first. See Ordering Locks.
Right-click to select Program lock.
The Programming of locks wizard is opened.
Select Program locks.
A list of locks to be programmed is shown.
Select Next.
Select Program locks.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
A status screen is shown, displaying the lock that is next in the programming queue.
Figure: Programming Status Screen
Insert the programming cable to the requested lock.
Follow the instructions on the programming status screen.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Close.
The programmed locks appear in the lock grid view in the Programmed state.
Remove the formatting task from the token by clicking the Format state again, and follow the wizard to empty the token.
You can program one or more locks immediately at hand, by using an online iLOQ Manager and the Programmer. You can carry out this procedure for a new or an existing lock.
You can transfer one or more offline programming tasks from iLOQ Manager to the Programmer, unplug the Programmer from the computer, and program the locks at the site. You can carry out this procedure for an existing lock only.
This section describes how to program locks on iLOQ Manager.
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse locks.
Select the locks to be programmed.
The selected lock must be in the Ordered or Transferred to programming state. If the lock is in the In planning state, order the lock first. See Ordering Locks.
Right-click to select Program lock.
The Programming of locks wizard is opened.
Select Program locks.
A list of locks to be programmed is shown.
Select Next.
Select Program locks.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
A status screen is shown, displaying the lock that is next in the programming queue.
Figure: Programming Status Screen
Insert the programming cable to the requested lock.
Follow the instructions on the programming status screen.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Close.
The programmed locks appear in the lock grid view in the Programmed state.
This section describes how to identify locks on iLOQ Manager.
You may want to identify a lock, if you do not know if the lock is part of the system or not, and to find out the placement of the lock in the system
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse locks.
Enable Programming state.
Insert the lock programming cable into the lock that you want to identify.
If the lock belongs to this iLOQ Locking System, the system displays the lock placement number, and programs the lock, if a programming task has been ordered for it.
The lock belongs to another iLOQ Locking System, the system displays a message on this.
The lock is in the factory state, the system suggests to deploy it, if the deployment of new locks is ordered. If you choose to deploy the lock, keep the against the lock during the entire procedure.
Connect the lock to be programmed to the Programmer by inserting the lock programming cable into the lock.
Wait until the green status led on the Programmer is illuminated.
Remove the lock programming cable from the lock.
If necessary, repeat steps 6-7 until the desired locks have been programmed.
Connect the Programmer back to the computer.
Login to iLOQ Manager.
Soon, a reply message is displayed in the lower right corner of iLOQ Manager. When the reply message is received, the executed programming tasks are automatically removed from the Programmer memory.
This section describes how to reset locks on iLOQ Manager.
When you reset a physical lock, its state changes from Programmed to Formatted.
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse locks.
Select the lock you want to reset.
Right-click the selected lock and select Reset lock.
The Reset a lock wizard is opened.
Select Reset locks.
Check that the correct lock is selected.
Select Next.
Uncheck the Reset locks to factory state check box.
Select Next.
Select how to proceed:
Leave locks in planning state — Select Leave locks in planning state if you want to leave the locks in the planning state, and program the locks later.
Order locks — Select Order locks if you want to create the programming task, but execute it later. If you have networked locks, this option will not reset them through the network.
Order and program locks — Select Order and program locks if you want to create the programming task, and execute it at once for a single lock at hand.
Order and transfer tasks to programmer — Select Order and transfer tasks to programmer if you want to create the programming tasks, transfer them to the Programmer, and take the Programmer with you to reset the locks at the site. If you have networked locks, this option will not reset them through the network.
Do not select this option, if you are resetting locks to the factory state.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
Select Close.
The physical lock is now in the Formatted state. The lock definition on iLOQ Manager has remained in the In planning state. If you want to proceed to resetting the physical lock to the Factory state, see Resetting Locks to Factory State. If you want to proceed to deleting the lock row from iLOQ Manager, see Deleting Locks.
This section describes how to reset locks to factory state.
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse locks.
Select the locks you want to reset.
Right-click the selected lock and select Reset lock.
The Reset a lock wizard is opened.
Select Reset locks.
Check that the correct lock is selected.
Select Next.
Check the Reset locks to factory state check box.
Select Next.
Select how to proceed:
Leave locks in planning state — Select Leave locks in planning state if you want to leave the locks in the planning state, and program the locks later.
Order locks — Select Order locks if you want to create the programming task, but execute it later. If you have networked locks, this option will not reset them through the network.
Order and program locks — Select Order and program locks if you want to create the programming task, and execute it at once for a single lock at hand.
Order and transfer tasks to programmer — Select Order and transfer tasks to programmer if you want to create the programming tasks, transfer them to the Programmer, and take the Programmer with you to reset the locks at the site. If you have networked locks, this option will not reset them through the network.
Do not select this option, if you are resetting locks to the factory state.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
Select Close.
The physical lock is now in the Factory state. The lock definition on iLOQ Manager has remained in the In planning state. If you want to proceed to deleting the lock row from iLOQ Manager, see Deleting Locks.