This section describes how to add the first token to iLOQ Locking System, and how to attach the token to a user.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
Select Administration > Browse tokens.
Select Add token.
The Adding a Token wizard is opened.
Select Add token and attach it to user.
Name the token.
You can name the tokens according to their color. In this way, it is easy to select the correct token for using the system.
Select Master token.
Select Active.
Select Next.
Select Admin as the user.
Select Next.
Select the usage rights for the user.
For the admin user, select all usage rights.
You can manage the selection of usage rights with the arrow buttons as follows:
— Click the Arrows right button to move all items to the selection list.
— Click the Arrow right button to move the selected item(s) to the selection list.
— Click the Arrow left button to remove the selected item(s) from the selection list.
— Click the Arrows left button to remove all items from the selection list.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
Define a master password for the locking system.
Write down the master password in the Login Information document found in the iLOQ documentation folder that you will give to the customer in conjunction with the delivery. Also, write down the master password in your own documentation.
The master password:
Must contain exactly 16 characters.
Is case-sensitive.
Is the property of the end customer.
You cannot change the master password afterwards.
Select OK.
Insert the empty token to the iLOQ Programmer socket.
Ensure that the token clicks to its place.
Optional: If the token appears in the Set to programming state:
Proceed as follows.
Select the token in the Set to programming state.
Right-click to select Re-program.
The Reprogramming of Programming Token wizard is opened.
You must define a master password for the locking system. You only need the master password when you add tokens or format locks.You only need the master password when you add Programming Tokens. You will not need the master password at any other time.
Write down the master password in the Login Information document found in the iLOQ documentation folder that you will give to the customer in conjunction with the delivery. Also, write down the master password in your own documentation.
The master password:
Must contain exactly 16 characters.
Is case-sensitive.
Is the property of the end customer.
You cannot change the master password afterwards.
The user password.
You must define a user password for each locking system user.
The user password:
Must contain at least 6 characters.
Is case-sensitive.
The network module user password.
You must define a user password for at least one network module. Other network modules can share this password.
This section describes how to enforce logins with a token.
When a new iLOQ Locking System is delivered, the Admin user can login to the system without using a token. This is necessary, as there are no tokens in a new system.
However, as you deploy the system and add tokens, you can prevent users from logging in without a token. This improves the system security.
Proceed as follows.
Select Administration > Browse users.
Select the Admin user.
Right-click the Admin user with the mouse.
Select Edit usage rights.
The Editing of usage rights wizard is opened.
Select Edit usage rights.
Ensure that the Token field has value <empty>.
Select Next.
Remove all usage rights from the Admin user.
Select Next.
Select Ready.
Select Close.
Now the user cannot login to the system without a token.
This section describes how to add floor plans to iLOQ Locking System.
Floor plans are PDF or image files that depict the room and door layout for the premises where the iLOQ Locking System will be deployed at. The floor plan can also be a map, showing the location of locks on a geographical area.
The supported files types are:
Most common image file types
DWG files are not supported.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Floor plans.
Select Add floor plan.
The Importing of Floorplan wizard is opened.
Select Import new floor plan.
Click the ... button and select the file that contains the floor plan.
Select Open.
Select Next.
The next options depend on the image file type.
If your floor plan is a PDF file:
Select the Page number where the desired floor plan is on.
Select the desired Resolution for the imported figure.
If your floor plan is an image file in, for example, the PNG format:
Check that the figure looks as planned in the preview.
Select Next.
Check the image file size in the Size field.
If the file size exceeds 1 MB:
Select Back.
Select a figure with a smaller file size or, in the case of a PDF file, reduce the Resolution for the imported figure.
Select Next.
Name the floor plan.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
Select Close.
The figure is uploaded on the server.
Check that the figure is sharp enough.
If the figure is not sharp enough, replace the figure.
This section describes how to add access rights to iLOQ Locking System.
Create the access rights according to the locking plan devised together with the end customer.
Create the access right groups one by one. See Access Rights.
If you also want to create lock-specific, individual access rights, create them as a batch operation after you have added the locks, but not yet programmed them. See Adding Individual Access Rights to Locks.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
Select Additional data > Browse access rights.
Select Add access right.
The Adding of access right wizard is opened.
Select Add access right.
Name the access right.
Typically, the first access right is for the entire premises, and is called, for example, "Master access".
Enter a description for the access right. For example, "Access to all premises".
Select whether a conditional access is used for the access right by checking or unchecking the Conditional access active check box.
For more information on conditional access rights, see Access Rights.
Enter a more detailed description for the conditional access right.
Select whether the access right will, by default, be added to new locks by checking or unchecking the Add to new locks by default check box.
If you are creating a system-wide master key access right supposed to be in all locks, choose Yes. In this way, you will never forget to add the access right to new locks.
Select visibility for the access right.
For more information on access right visibility, see Access Rights.
Select Next.
Select whether the access right will be versional.
For more information on versional access rights, see Access Rights.
You do not necessarily need the actual physical locks to add locks in iLOQ Locking System. You can define the locks and attach them to the physical locks at a later phase.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse floor plans.
Hover your mouse over the desired door and right-click to select Lock > Add lock (Ctrl+N).
The Add lock wizard is opened.
Select Add lock.
Define the lock settings as follows:
Placement — Placement refers to the location of the lock on the floor plan. If you are adding several locks at a time, set the first placement in a way that it ends with a number, such as A1. In this way, the system adds consecutive placement numbers as follows:
Approach direction — Approach direction refers to the direction where the lock will be opened from, if the door is equipped with double side lock.
Locking target — Locking target provides a more detailed description or name of the room or premises, where the lock will lead to.
If you are adding several locks at a time, set the first locking target in a way that it ends with a number, such as Apartment A1. In this way, the system adds consecutive locking targets as follows:
Apartment A1
Apartment A2
Apartment A3
Lock cylinder — Lock cylinder refers to the lock cylinder type. Select the type in the drop-down list, or enter the type manually.
Clock installed — Select Clock installed if there is a clock circuit in the lock. If the selected Lock cylinder contains a clock, Clock installed will be automatically selected.
Lock type — Select whether the Lock type is:
Normal, the lock is an off-line lock.
Networked, the lock is an on-line lock connected to a network module.
If the lock type is Networked, also select whether or not the system automatically receives audit trail events from the lock, by checking the Receive the audit trails automatically check box.
Select Next.
Enter additional information as necessary.
The fields are:
Door type — Door type refers to the type of door where the lock will be mounted on.
Escutcheon — Escutcheon refers to the shield plate that surrounds the keyhole on the door.
Lock model — Lock model refers to the model of the lock case.
Cylinder extension — Cylinder extension refers to the extension that will be added to the new lock.
Door thickness (mm) — Door thickness indicates the thickness of the door where the lock will be mounted on.
Depth of lock body (mm) — Depth of lock body (mm) indicates the depth of the lock case.
Opening direction — Opening direction indicates the door opening direction.
Other equipment — Other equipment refers to other equipment related to the lock or the door.
Note — Note refers to additional information on the lock or the door.
Other equipment — Other equipment refers to other equipment related to the lock or the door.
Conditional access — This check box indicates whether the lock is connected to a device that controls conditional access.
Description of the conditional access — Add a description of the conditional access in this field. You can, for example, describe the device that is controlling the conditional access.
Select Next.
Select the access rights for the lock.
The default access right will be automatically added for the lock.
Select the desired access right in the list on the left.
You can manage the selection of access right with the key buttons as follows:
— Click the Arrows right button to move all items to the selection list.
— Click the Arrow right button to move the selected item(s) to the selection list.
— Click the Arrow left button to remove the selected item(s) from the selection list.
— Click the Arrows left button to remove all items from the selection list.
If necessary, set the lock to handle time limits by checking the Lock handles time limits check box.
If a key is time limited, but the lock does not handle key time limits, the key functions all the time.
Select Next.
Select Next.
Select if you want to create an individual access right or not.
This section describes how to format and program new locks in iLOQ Manager.
When a new lock cylinder is delivered from the factory, it is in the factory state. Before it can be programmed, it must first be formatted. After this procedure, the lock cylinder can be managed in the deployed locking system only.
The Adding formatting task to a master token wizard is opened.
Select Add formatting task.
Select the token where you want to add the formatting task.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
Type in the locking system master password.
Select OK.
The formatting task is added on the token.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Close.
Select Basic data > Browse locks.
Select the locks to be programmed.
The selected lock must be in the Ordered or Transferred to programming state. If the lock is in the In planning state, order the lock first. See Ordering Locks.
Right-click to select Program lock.
The Programming of locks wizard is opened.
Select Program locks.
A list of locks to be programmed is shown.
Select Next.
Select Program locks.
Select Next.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Ready.
A status screen is shown, displaying the lock that is next in the programming queue.
Figure: Programming Status Screen
Insert the programming cable to the requested lock.
Follow the instructions on the programming status screen.
A summary screen is shown.
Select Close.
The programmed locks appear in the lock grid view in the Programmed state.
Remove the formatting task from the token by clicking the Format state again, and follow the wizard to empty the token.
This section describes how to add a new person to iLOQ Locking System.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Proceed as follows.
Select Basic data > Browse persons.
Select Add person.
The Adding a person wizard is opened.
Select Add base data of a person.
Enter personal information as follows:
Last name — Enter the person's last name in the Last name field.
First name — Enter the person's first name in the First name field.
Company/Department — Enter the company or department name where the person is employed, in the Company/Department field.
Title — Enter the person's title in the Title field.
Identification — Enter the person's company ID number in the Identification field.
End date of an employment — Enter the ending date of the person's employment. This date is automatically set for the person's key, as its Expiration date.
Select Next.
Enter contact information as follows:
Address — Enter the person's address in the Address field.
Postal code and post office — Enter the person's postal code and post office, in the Postal code and post office field.
Country — Enter the country where the person lives, in the Country field.
Telephone 1/2/3 — Enter the person's telephone numbers, in the telephone fields.
Email — Enter the person's email address, in the Email field.
External ID — Enter the person's ID in an external system. This ID is used for Application Programming Interface (API) communications only.
Description — Enter a description of the person, in the Description field.