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Give feedback & see related articlesNote: Depending on your phone, the NFC antenna can locate in the middle, top-middle or top-corner. It is also important that the phone touches the knob of the lock and you don't move the phone on the knob.
Quick user guide, Android:
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Give feedback & see related articlesNote: Depending on your iPhone, the NFC antenna is typically locates in the top / top corner.
It is also important that the antenna area of your iPhone touches the knob of the lock and you don't move the phone during the opening process.
If you need to re-open the lock, remember to press the lock symbol to activate the app first.
Quick user guide, iPhone:
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Give feedback & see related articlesYou must have iLOQ Mobile app downloaded and valid access rights to operate the lock.
The opening with iPhone is shown on the video below:
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