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9. Managing persons and person roles

<<8. Adding and ordering locks

10. Adding and programming keys>>

Persons are found under "Basic data" > "Browse persons."

"Add person" allows you to add a new person by hand or add a mass of people from an Excel file. When adding a single person, click “Add base data of a person” or “add person and access rights/roles” and fill in the details of a new person. 

If you want to add several people from an Excel file, open the "Browse persons" view and the Excel file side by side and move the columns so that the Excel file and Manager match. Then, press "Editing mode." copy the whole row from the Excel file, click the star icon on the lowest row in Manager, and paste the information. Remember to exit the editing mode by clicking Editing mode again. Always remember to save the changes by clicking "Editing mode" again. 

You can edit a person’s information by switching to editing mode, clicking the cell on the table you want to change and just writing the new info in the cell. While In editing mode, you can also remove persons by right-clicking them and selecting "Remove."

Person roles are a bunch of access rights bound together that can be given to persons who occupy the same role. For example, you can create a "Cleaner" role for people who are cleaners and need to access spaces that need cleaning, so you do not have to manually add all the access rights to each cleaner. You can edit roles by right-clicking a person, selecting "Properties" > "Roles."

Learn more about managing persons in Manager's full manual

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