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4.Zones and Estates

<<3.Downloading, setting up, and accessing Manager

5.Managing zones and estates>>

Estates are parts of the locking system that share, for example, a common location. They make the locking system easier to manage when there are several buildings or hundreds of locks and/or keys to control. Keys, locks, access rights, floor plans and online modules work on an estate basis, so there can be similarly named objects in different estates even when they are in the same locking system. 

Zones are a level higher on the governance scale. They allow for easier management of locking systems comprising several buildings or even building complexes. An administrator can be assigned to a zone, giving them a lot of administrative rights within the zone, but cannot access to data outside the zone. Division into zones can be made based on geographical distance, per housing company or even per estate. Zones need to be created considering technical limitations such as the maximum blocklist size of a zone is 500 keys.

Both the estates and zones functionality need to be activated before use. From the management point of view, it is easier to activate and create them before anything else so that the objects can be added to the estates and zones as they are created. 

You can activate the Estate function by navigating "Administration" > "Edit locking system information" > "Settings" > check "Estate functionality active". Save the settings and add the rights to manage estates to the users you want. Then, restart the Manager and estates will be in use. 

Zones are found under "Administration" > "Edit locking system information" > "Settings" > "Zone settings" > set the "Zone functionality" to "In use, excluding persons and keys" if the zone administrators need to see the keys and locks of other zones and "In use, including persons and keys" if they do not.

More about zones in the full manual

More about estates in the full manual

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