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11.Removing keys

<<10. Adding and programming keys

12.Logs and reporting>>

The easiest and the most secure way to remove keys is to empty them and remove them from the Manager. To remove keys, access the "Browse keys" view, right click the key you want to remove, and click "Return and empty key." You can also remove S50 Phone keys from the system this way but note that the blocking of the phone key will not take effect until the phone is online or the locks have received the information through a phone key or a key fob that has the updated blocklist.

If the key or the key fob is unavailable and needs to be removed, like when it is lost or stolen, it can be put on a blocklist. A blocklisted key cannot be used in the doors where the blocklist has been updated. Blocklists are shared between a phone and a key when the key is used to open the lock, so a key with an updated blocklist needs to be used in every lock that needs the updated list. Note that the blocklist is limited to 500 keys per zone. 

More about returning keys in Manager's full manual

More about blocklists in Manager's full manual

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