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5.Managing zones and estates

<<4. Zones and Estates

6.Managing floor plans>>

You can add new zones by selecting "Additional data" > "Browse zones" > "Add zone" and following the zone wizard. The zone browsing view also allows you to control the persons assigned to a zone. Note that one person can belong to multiple zones i.e. moving a person to a different zone does not remove them from the other zone they are in.  

Add new estates by selecting "Administration" > "Edit estates", enabling editing mode, selecting the level of the new estate and right-clicking "Add".

You can move locks, keys and other objects between zones and estates from within their respective browsing windows. Select the objects, right-click, and select "Change zone/estate." 

If you want to remove a zone, make sure there are no objects attached to it. Otherwise, the removal will not be successful. Then, go to "Additional data" > "Browse zones", put "Editing mode" on, select the zones you want to remove, right click, and select "Remove".

More about zones in the full manual

More about estates in the full manual

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